Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson
Listening to this made me think of that saying....."Would you like some cheese with your WHINE!?" I really wanted to like Notes from a Small Island. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson is one of my favorite books. There were a few laughs here and there but the amount of complaining this man does just grated on my nerves. I struggled from the first disk to the last. I hate to say it but I was glad when this one ended.
Here is a summary from Amazon.com about the book:
"Before his return to the U.S. after a 20-year residence in England, journalist Bryson (Made in America) embarked on a farewell tour of his adopted homeland. His trenchant, witty and detailed observations of life in a variety of towns and villages will delight Anglophiles. Traveling only on public transportation and hiking whenever possible, Bryson wandered along the coast through Bournemouth and neighboring villages that reinforced his image of Britons as a people who rarely complain and are delighted by such small pleasures as a good tea. In Liverpool, the author's favorite English city, he visited the Merseyside Maritime Museum to experience its past as a great port. Interweaving descriptions of landscapes and everyday encounters with shopkeepers, pub customers and fellow travelers, Bryson shares what he loves best about the idiosyncrasies of everyday English life in this immensely entertaining travel memoir."
Hmm this one had my interest because I thought it would be interesting to understand others' thoughts on the UK. Shame it's not a good read - I'll probably skip it. I'd love to hear your highlights when I'm back though... fancy a girls night?