Zoealea over at Zoe's Book Reviews is hosting a Cornelia Funke Challenge. It started on December 1 , 2008 and ends March 1, 2009. But there is still time to sign up.
Cornelia Funke has written numerious books, one of which is currently becoming a movie.
Here are the rules:
1. You must read at least three books that are written by Cornelia Funke (i.e. Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath, etc.)
2. When you join, please leave a comment on Zoe's blog, with a link to where you posted which Cornelia Funke books you are going to read.
3. You can join at any time between today and March 1, 2009.
To join me in this fun challenge click here.
I am going to be reading the following Cornelia Funke books:
- Inkheart
- Inkspell
- Inkdeath
I have been wanting to read this series for some time now. I can't wait!
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